Don't they look excited to go! Actually, this is when we were having a little van trouble on the side of the road. They were not impressed. Soon I figured out that we actually ran out of gas! Can you believe in this day and age that someone could run out of gas!! There was a sunglasses case in front of my gauge and gas light. Bummer. Thankfully, Ali called Holly, and Will came to the rescue with some gas!! Thanks guys!!
What a crew! It was fun to be with A. Denise and Sue and some of the Thames/Schroeders joined us. It was a great chaotic supper!!
Little Arawen loved her cupcake!
When my kids have the camera, people make great faces b/c they think that they may get deleted. No such luck, Ali! You make me laugh.
Peoria zoo. We happened to go on FREE day! Yeah!! It is a great zoo and a fun day with Grandma and Ali. It was heat index of 107. We spent a lot of time in the fountain. Unfortunately my camera died and missed the soaking kids but we had a great time despite the oppressive heat!
Reese's favorites were these little creatures. I don't know what they even were. They were at her level and the first time one came running at the glass, she high-tailed it back to me whining! She soon learned they couldn't get her and sat there for a long time waving at them. She kept saying, "Hey, buddy buddy buddy" over and over.
Thanks for a fantastic get away, Ali! The kids will remember this for a long time! It is so special to have you guys close by and I am so thankful for the example you guys are to them. We love you!!
That was a seriously fun day! Oh, and just so you know, the 2nd pic of me is singing during Elle's "church service". Love you guys!!